
Welcome to Linden Tree Designs!

I started sewing when I was in high school, and quickly landed on making quilts and baby items. I initially made them as gifts for people I knew, but knew that I someday wanted to expand into selling them. I made baby items such as burp cloths and play mats for friends and family who were having children and as I started getting requests for more, I worked on refining my designs and fabric choices to provide the ideal coverage, absorbency, and size for each product.

When my sister was getting ordained as a Unitarian Universalist minister, I decided to give stole making a try. Since then I have made custom stoles for ordinations and instillations, as well as simpler stoles for people just looking to add to their collection. 

I make many of my stoles using a stained glass piecing technique. This creates a look of quilted stained glass on the stole, and can be used for a vast array of colors and images. This allows me to create the scenery and intricate images you see on many of my stoles. 

If you are interested in learning more about my work, or purchasing a custom piece of work, please contact me. I would be happy to work with you to create what you are looking for!

I currently live just outside of Boston, MA with my partner, Otto and our cat, Maggie.